- About Us -

Natural skincare crafted with a passion for wellness and the healing power of nature.
When I first left school, I trained as a beauty therapist. Winning the body therapy student of the year started me on a journey into natural health and beauty. I undertook further training in aromatherapy, reflex therapy, naturopahic nutrition and many other disciplines. I was so allergic to the products used by the college (in the 80's) that I was exempt from having anyone practice a facial on me. Thankfully, massage, was no problem.
Over the years, I have worked for Dr. Hauschka as the sales, promotions and health food shop trainer. I was lucky enough to fly to Germany to see how the products where made and to walk around their stunning gardens. Plants were picked at sun rise and in silence. There was a deep respect for natural cycles. They followed the teachings of Rudolp Steiner and bio-dymanic farming methods. This made a lot of sense to me and this love of nature has continued for me right up to today.
Even though I knew a lot about natural skin care, I found that I was challenged by a skin condition called eczema which, never appeared on my face. Only some areas of my body. Looking into Chinese Medicine, I saw that the affected area followed of the line of particular merridian which was also something that had been held within my own family patterning. Once I knew this, I began to undertake cleansing my body more frequently and the condition cleared up.
There are so many skin cares on the market that it is extremely hard to know what to choose. Skin is complex, but simple at the same time. Use products that you enjoy, like the scent and feel of but that are clean and support the nature.
I hope you will like my small range. It has taken me a while to formulate them and I can't wait to make more!
Best wishes, Ruth.